Monday, October 25, 2010

Biopharmaceutical Biotechnology (PHM 3172)
  1. **Biologic-Drug discovery and development (Dr. Taher)**
  2. **Downstream Processing 1 (Dr. Taher)**
  3. **Downstream Processing 2 (Dr. Taher)**
  4. **Immunogenicity of Biopharmaceuticals (Dr. Taher)**
  5. **Introduction-PHM3172 (Dr. Taher)**
  6. **Molecular Farming 1 (Dr. Taher)**
  7. **Production of Biopharmaceutical (Dr. Taher)**
  8. *Gene Therapy (Dr. Solachuddin)*
  9. Advanced Drug Delivery (Dr. Farahidah)
  10. Pharmacokinetic Pharmacodynamic of Biopharmaceutical (Dr. Wan Azizi)
  11. Stem Cell Therapy (Dr.Wan Azizi)
  12. Gene Therapy (Dr. Wan Azizi)
  13. Integration of Pharmacogenetic Into Clinical Practice (Dr. Wan Azizi)
  14. Role of Genomic and Proteomics In Biotechnology Application (Dr.Wan Azizi)
  15. Hematopoietic and Granulocyte Colony Stimulating Factors (Dr. Wan Azizi)
  16. Recombinant Coagulation Factors VIII and IX (Dr. Wan Azizi)
  17. Recombinant Human Insulin (Dr. Wan Azizi)
  18. Monoclonal Antibodies (Dr. Wan Azizi)
*lecture note Gene Therapy (Dr.Solachuddin) ada dalam e-learning Dr.Taher*
**lecture notes Dr Taher wujud di e-learning Dr.Taher**

Yang Benar,
Muhammad Syakirin Bin Zaini
PIC Biopharmaceutical Biotechnology 2010


What say you?